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Ellie Featherstone

Iso360 services: Shodan Search Engine

Introduction to Shodan:

Looking to introduce iso360 Shodan Search Engine scanning to your organisation? We dive into the breakdown of this service, and how this solutions leads to mapping and gathering information from customer devices.

Businesses and consumers both use more and more internet-connected devices every day, and more so in today’s world, due to the rise in remote working.

As the number of connected devices continues to sky-rocket, the chances of falling victim to a malicious attack increase.

Iso360 Shodan Search Engine

What is Shodan?

Shodan is a search engine similar to Google, but while Google searches for websites, Shodan searches for devices that are connected to the internet. Users can perform a search using the Shodan search engine based on an IP address, device name, city, and/or a variety of other technical categories.

Identifying all of the devices connected to the internet, displaying what information those devices are sharing with the public, and making it clear how easy that information is to access, Shodan can help users to reinforce their security in a variety of ways.

How do we use Shodan?

Iso360 monitor customer devices using Shodan, to allow to us to provide the complete picture of an estate to ensure there are no unwanted connections.

The search engine works by requesting connections to every imaginable internet protocol (IP) address on the internet and indexing the information that it gets back from those connection requests.

Iso360 Shodan Search Engine

Success for our customers:

We have successfully used Shodan to increase security for our Energy Management customers via automated reporting.


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